Molly's Proov Story

Molly's Proov Story

Hello, my name is Molly. I dealt with infertility for two years. Eight months into my journey, I went and saw my OB and tried to voice some concerns I was having and they told me to, just relax, and I'm really young, I just gotta calm down and it'll happen.

So I left that appointment feeling extremely discouraged. So I went and did some research on my own. I knew I was getting a positive ovulation test each month, so I figured I was ovulating, but I learned that doesn't actually mean that you're ovulating.

So I found these tests right here, the Proov Confirm test. They're the only FDA cleared PdG test that actually confirms that you're ovulating. You can use them together with Proov's Predict tests and predict when you're gonna be ovulating, and then confirm that you're actually ovulating, which is wonderful. I used them for four cycles and never had a positive Confirm test, so I knew that I wasn't ovulating.

I went to a fertility specialist and I showed her my Proov tests and she agreed that I was not ovulating. She diagnosed me with anovulatory PCOS, and we started treatment. We did a cycle of IVF and I'm now eight weeks pregnant with my miracle baby.

I would recommend Proov tests to anyone trying to conceive right now! These are so handy and make you feel so confident about your journey. They give you the confidence to go to your doctor and show them actual proof of what's happening in your body.

They have many other great products as well, and they have a wonderful online group on Facebook called Proov User and Support Group. And there are some wonderful ladies there that can help you with almost anything trying to conceive related and can really help you feel more confident to talk to your doctor like I did. Thank you.