Hormone tracking from the comfort of home
Test and get results in just 10 minutes

Non-invasive testing at home
No mailing samples. And no needles!

Results in 10 minutes
No waiting for weeks. 99% accurate

Clear, easy to understand next steps
Dedicated support team 7 days a week

The Science Behind Proov's Ovulation Score
Did you know that a positive ovulation test doesn’t always mean you are ovulating?
Ovulation is more than a “yes/no”. In fact, it’s possible to release an egg but still not have enough progesterone - the hormone released after ovulation - to support implantation. Proov measures a hormone marker released after ovulation, called PdG, that supports implantation and tracks it during the implantation window. A clinical study showed that sustained elevated PdG levels during the implantation window - which yields a high ovulation score - was associated with a 75% increase in pregnancy rates.**
If you uncover a potential issue with Proov, the fix can be simple. And we’ll be there to support you.

Hormone Harmony
Body knowledge is power — and you have a lot more power than you think.
Proov can help you understand the dance your hormones do at every stage of your adult life.
This intricate dance helps you get pregnant, feel good, have beautiful skin, and live your best life.
On the flip side, when this dance starts getting out of step, it can feel more like a cluster F and lead to symptoms of infertility and perimenopause.
Proov can help you understand your hormones and hormonal changes, open up options for solutions, and help you get back on track so that you and your body are working in harmony.