Getting a Complete Ovulation Picture with OvuSense and Proov

getting a complete ovulation picture with ovusense and proov

Written by: Dr. Amy Beckley, PhD, Founder and Inventor of the Proov test the first and only FDA-cleared test to confirm successful ovulation at home and Robert Milnes, CEO, Fertility Focus

Written on 3/4/21

getting a complete ovulation picture with ovusense and proov

Keep reading to learn more about how Proov and OvuSense work together to help you get pregnant faster.

When trying to conceive, the more information and tools you can have at your fingertips, the better! We believe in empowering women with valuable tools during their TTC journey so they can get pregnant faster.

This is why we’re so excited to announce our new partnership with OvuSense! OvuSense is the only FDA cleared class II approved fertility monitor on the market to predict and confirm the exact date of ovulation.

Keep reading to learn more about how Proov and OvuSense work together to provide a full ovulation picture and help you conceive faster.

Why is predicting and confirming ovulation important?

Predicting and confirming ovulation provides you with the full ovulation picture and helps you reach your fertility goals faster.

Predicting ovulation helps you accurately time intercourse when trying to conceive. This is important because there are only a few days each month when conception is actually possible — around ovulation to be exact. These days are referred to as your fertile window, and they include the few days leading up to and the day of ovulation.

Confirming ovulation, on the other hand, let’s you know if you even have a chance at conception that cycle. After all, without an egg pregnancy just isn’t possible.

Additionally, understanding the health of your ovulation can give you insight into if your ovulation is making it more difficult to conceive. After ovulation occurs, progesterone levels should rise and remain elevated for several days after ovulation to allow for the best possible chance at conception.

Progesterone is the hormone responsible for stabilizing the uterine lining and making it “sticky” enough for an embryo to implant. Without enough progesterone present for long enough after ovulation, your ovulation health may be poor which can make it more difficult to get pregnant.

getting a complete ovulation picture with ovusense and proov

Predicting and confirming ovulation provides you with the full ovulation picture and helps you reach your fertility goals faster.

What is OvuSense and what does it do?

Ovusense is the only FDA cleared class II fertility monitor on the market. By measuring continuous core body temperature (cCBT), it is clinically proven to predict ovulation up to 24 hours in advance and confirm the exact date of ovulation.

The OvuSense monitor detects the decrease and increase in your cCBT that occurs before and after ovulation occurs. After it detects these changes, it can provide you with an accurate ovulation date.

Additionally, OvuSense®  Pro is a clinical portal that allows doctors to screen for potential issues surrounding ovulation and your luteal phase. In recently published clinical studies of over 8,000 OvuSense users, it was shown to flag short luteal phases and cycle characteristics that have been shown by the research to be related to female sub-fertility, the risk of miscarriage, and potential pregnancy complications.

What is Proov?

Proov PdG tests are the first and only FDA cleared PdG tests to confirm successful ovulation at home. Proov PdG tests non-invasively measure PdG — a progesterone metabolite — levels in urine. PdG levels in urine have been shown to correlate to progesterone levels in blood.

Testing with Proov PdG tests on days 7, 8, 9, and 10 after peak fertility can give you powerful insight into the health of your ovulation. While knowing if and when you ovulated is important, understanding the health of your ovulation can help you get pregnant faster.

Successful ovulation refers to an ovulatory event in which an egg was released and PdG levels remained elevated for long enough to allow for the best possible chance of conception. Without sufficient PdG levels following ovulation, it can be more difficult to conceive.

getting a complete ovulation picture with ovusense and proov

Proov is the first and only FDA cleared PdG test kit to confirm successful ovulation at home — giving you powerful information surrounding your ovulation health.

How do Proov and OvuSense work together?

Using Proov and OvuSense together can provide a complete ovulation picture, including when you’re fertile, exactly when you ovulated, and the overall health of your ovulation.

OvuSense predicts and confirms ovulation and provides you with an exact ovulation date. You’ll get this date about 3-4 days after ovulation occurs, then you can use this date as your peak fertility date to accurately test with Proov.

You'll then count 7 days from this date and test your PdG levels with Proov on days 7, 8, 9, and 10 after peak fertility. Remember that we like to see 4 positive Proov tests during this time frame to confirm that successful ovulation did in fact occur.

What if my ovulation isn’t successful?

If you get less than 3 positive Proov tests during the testing window, this could be a sign of “unsuccessful” ovulation and it may be hurting your chance at pregnancy. Luckily, there are plenty of methods for improving ovulation health.

If fact, we now offer progesterone and full fertility consultations with a Board Certified Reproductive Endocrinologist who can read your Proov results and help offer the next best course of action. Prescription progesterone supplements are often a great option for improving ovulation health but, as always, we recommend consulting your doctor.

During these consultations, you can use the combined results of your Proov tests and OvuSense®  Pro to get the right treatment plan for you. Then, you can continue tracking ovulation with OvuSense®  Pro and Proov to measure the effect of your specific treatment.

If you’re interested in getting your full ovulation picture, from now until 4/20/21 you can get 25% off OvuSense on with the code PROOV25 and 20% off Proov on with the code OVUSENSE20.