Fertility Facts: Get Set Up for Success!

Fertility Facts: Get Set Up for Success!

Understand your cycle hormones to reach your fertility goals faster.

The Proov Insight app and testing system makes it easy to track and interpret the main hormones that influence fertility. This information is useful for anyone who’s actively trying to conceive, or just getting set up for success in the future, whether or not you have existing hormone concerns.

And if you’re among the one in ten women who have PCOS or other health issues affecting hormone balance,* testing and monitoring is especially important. 


Take the Mystery Out of Cycle Hormones

FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone)

Measuring FSH helps assess ovarian reserve (an estimate of how many eggs you have remaining in your ovaries). FSH can be measured directly with a simple pee test and the Proov Insight app.

LH (Luteinizing Hormone)

LH tests, often called “ovulation tests” or “ovulation predictors,” indicate when an egg is likely to be released; your peak fertile window. Like FSH, LH can be measured directly with a pee test (Proov Predict) and our app.

It’s important to be aware that LH urine tests sometimes are not accurate for women with diagnosed PCOS. We recommend other methods such as BBT or cervical mucus monitoring for predicting ovulation in these cases. Note that other Proov products, such as Proov Confirm, are appropriate to help all women, including those with PCOS, with other types of tracking.

E1G (Estrogen Marker)

E1G is a marker, also called a metabolite, of the hormone estrogen. Since rising estrogen is an early sign that your body is preparing to ovulate, measuring E1G can help you identify the longest possible fertile window. Watch for E1G testing coming soon as part of a new Proov Complete kit!

PdG (Progesterone Marker)

PdG is a marker, or metabolite, of the hormone progesterone that shows up in urine. PdG matters a lot when you’re trying to conceive, because it gives important insight into ovulation quality. In fact, elevated PdG levels during specific days after peak fertility have been shown to correlate to an increased chance of successful pregnancy

While measuring progesterone directly requires blood work, measuring PdG is easy at home with a simple pee test and the Proov Insight app. Understanding ovulation quality through PdG testing reveals a key piece of the fertility puzzle that is not revealed by LH testing, BBT or cervical mucus monitoring alone. It’s useful for any woman wanting to understand the full picture of her cycle hormones, and can be especially valuable for those with PCOS or other health issues that affect hormone balance.*

*Proov is not intended to diagnose or treat any condition. Always work with your healthcare provider.


Trouble Conceiving? Get answers, with Proov.