The Power of Progesterone

The Power of Progesterone

We love to talking about progesterone. It’s our favorite hormone! Did you know there are many factors progesterone contributes to in the body? From improving your mood to helping with bone development, progesterone is a powerful hormone!

Progesterone in the Reproductive System

You may be wondering, "what is progesterone?" As a refresher, progesterone plays two important roles in the reproductive system. First, the presence of progesterone can actually confirm ovulation, since progesterone is produced by the empty follicle after an egg is released (a.k.a. ovulation).

Sufficient progesterone levels also support implantation and the early stages of pregnancy. Progesterone prepares the uterine lining for implantation and, once the embryo implants, progesterone ensures the uterine environment is healthy for the embryo to grow.

What else does progesterone do?

The effects of progesterone can be seen in all parts of your body. This powerful hormone is responsible for so much!

Progesterone can help increase your mood. Progesterone and mood go hand in hand. Progesterone acts as a natural antidepressant to lower anxiety, help with mood swings, and can even aid in relieving postpartum depression.

Progesterone can relieve menopause symptoms. Many menopause symptoms are caused by an imbalance of estrogen and progesterone as hormones change over time. Measuring progesterone can help identify imbalances and therefore, help inform you to choose better treatment methods.

Low progesterone can lead to heavier periods. This means that an increase in progesterone can help make periods lighter!

Progesterone can help you get a better night’s sleep. A progesterone imbalance has been shown to cause sleeping difficulties in women. Correcting this imbalance can help you sleep better. Progesterone also has a stimulating effect on breathing during sleep, meaning that it can reduce the occurrence of sleep apnea.

A rapid progesterone drop in the second half of your menstrual cycle can cause PMS. This can lead to symptoms such as cravings, mood swings, bloating, and headaches. Ensuring your progesterone is at an adequate level during the second half of your cycle can prevent these symptoms.

Progesterone can increase your energy levels. It does this by stimulating the thyroid and speeding up metabolism.

Adequate progesterone levels are essential for a healthy sex drive. As progesterone levels change during your cycle, it can affect your sex drive. Low progesterone has been shown to decrease libido.

Progesterone can support bone health. Progesterone also has a stimulating effect on osteoblasts, the cells which are responsible for building bones. Low levels of progesterone are associated with compromised bone health and lead to brittle bones.

Low progesterone can lead to dry, dull skin. The “pregnancy glow” is caused by progesterone. So, a little extra progesterone can really help your skin!

Now you have more knowledge about this powerful hormone and how it can help you to know more about your levels!