Proov Complete - Full Cycle Hormone Test Kit

introducing proov complete

Written by: Dr. Amy Beckley, PhD, Founder and Inventor of the Proov test the first and only FDA-cleared test to confirm successful ovulation at home.

Written on 11/15/21

Updated on 4/6/22

introducing proov complete

Proov Complete is a full-cycle hormone testing system, which tracks all 4 cycle hormones critical to conception.

Proov Complete is a full-cycle hormone testing system, which tracks all 4 cycle hormones critical to conception. You’ll also receive numeric hormone data, info on what your results mean, and personalized action plans via the Proov Insight app.

Keep reading to learn more about Proov Complete and how it can support your fertility goals!

What is Proov Complete?

Proov Complete Testing Systom is our full-cycle hormone insights testing system, measuring 4 key cycle hormones. Each kit comes with 3 FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) tests and 14 Multihormone tests. Each patented Multihormone test measures E1G (estrogen marker), LH (luteinizing hormone), and PdG (progesterone marker) on the same test strip.

How does Proov work? Proov Complete kit cannot be read by eye, unlike other Proov brand tests. Instead, you’ll scan your tests into the free Proov Insight app, which will read your result in real-time, provide numeric hormone results, and info on what they mean.

What hormones and hormone markers does Proov Complete measure?

As we mentioned, Proov Complete measures 4 key cycle hormones and hormone markers — FSH, E1G, LH and PdG — which are all critical when trying to conceive. Understanding your various hormones gives you insight into your cycle that can help you get pregnant faster.

Here’s an in-depth look at each hormone and hormone marker measured within the Proov Complete kit:


FSH, or follicle stimulating hormone, does exactly what it says — stimulates your ovaries to grow follicles and mature eggs in preparation for ovulation each cycle.

At the beginning of your cycle, the brain senses it’s time to start preparing for another ovulation. So, it sends a small amount FSH to your ovaries to help them grow the follicles.

When we have many eggs left, the ovaries have many options to choose from and little FSH is required to stimulate them. However, as we age and our ovarian reserve decreases, the ovary needs more and more FSH to help it grow follicles.

Measuring your FSH levels at the beginning of your cycle (specifically cycle days 5, 7, and 9) can help you determine the status of your ovarian reserve, as diminished ovarian reserve may impact your chances at conception.

introducing proov complete

Measuring your FSH levels at the beginning of your cycle can help you determine the status of your ovarian reserve.


E1G, a marker of estrogen found in urine, can help identify your longest possible fertile window. As you may know, your fertile window refers to the few days each cycle when intercourse is most likely to result in conception — the days leading up to and the day of ovulation.

After the ovary chooses a dominant follicle to release the egg, the follicle starts producing estrogen and becomes FSH independent. This is where we’ll see estrogen levels (or E1G levels) rise and FSH levels fall.

A rise in  E1G levels is the earliest sign that ovulation is approaching and can help you identify your longest possible fertile window — up to 6 days!

Estrogen thickens your uterine lining in preparation for pregnancy and prepares your body for ovulation.


LH, or luteinizing hormone, is one of the more commonly known hormones when trying to conceive. Traditional ovulation tests measure LH in order to predict ovulation and help you time intercourse around when you’re most fertile.

Once E1G levels reach a certain level, this signals to your brain that the egg is mature and ready for ovulation. The brain then sends a surge of LH to rupture the follicle and trigger ovulation.

LH typically surges about 12-36 hours before ovulation occurs. So, an LH surge identifies your two most fertile days, also called peak fertility. This is the time to “try” if you haven’t started already!


PdG, a urine marker of progesterone, is what we’re most known for here at Proov. We’d argue PdG is one of, if not the most important hormone marker to track when trying to conceive — but we’re biased of course!

The empty follicle releases progesterone after ovulation occurs. Progesterone stabilizes the already thickened uterine lining and ensures it’s “sticky” enough to allow a newly formed embryo to comfortably implant.

Progesterone needs to remain adequately elevated throughout the entire implantation window (roughly days 7-10 past peak fertility) to allow for the best possible chance at implantation and successful pregnancy. Without enough progesterone, the uterine lining may not be prepared for implantation and it can be more difficult to successfully conceive.

In fact, studies show that elevated PdG levels during the luteal phase (specifically during the implantation window) correlate to a 92% chance of successful pregnancy compared to just a 19% chance with lower PdG levels.

So how does Proov Complete work?

introducing proov complete

The Proov Complete testing protocol is completely customized by the Proov Insight app.

At this point, you’re probably thinking, “Great! So how do I test all these hormones with Proov Complete?” We know with so many moving parts it can seem complicated, but we promise it’s super simple!

First and foremost, you’ll need the free Proov Insight app. After giving the app some simple information about your cycle, the hard part is over! Now, you sit back and wait for the app to tell you when to test and which test(s) to use.

The Proov Complete testing protocol is completely customized by the Proov Insight app to match your unique cycle and hormone patterns. We recommend checking the app first thing each morning to determine if it’s a testing day.

While everyone’s testing protocol will be slightly different — be sure to check the app for your specific testing instructions — you will absolutely still test PdG levels on days 7-10 past peak fertility, per our patented PdG testing protocol, to check for successful ovulation.

Each testing day you’ll receive your numeric hormone levels, info on what they mean, and whether or not they’re optimal for that specific phase of your cycle. You’ll also receive daily tips on how to keep your hormones happy.

Then, at the end of each cycle, you’ll receive your Ovulation Score, hormone balance ratios, and a personalized action plan to help you determine the best next steps. With this invaluable information, you can reach your fertility goals faster!