"I Conceived Thanks to kegg and Proov!"

i conceived thanks to kegg and proov

Written by: Dr. Amy Beckley, PhD, Founder and Inventor of the Proov test the first and only FDA-cleared test to confirm successful ovulation at home.

Written on 2/14/22

**Trigger Warning: Mention of loss and miscarriage.**

i conceived thanks to kegg and proov

Megan's story is one of joy and hope. After enduring a tragic loss followed by a miscarriage, Megan remained determined to journey on to her rainbow. The kegg fertility tracker and Proov were integral for her after she encountered a few bumps in the road. We are delighted to share her beautiful pregnancy story with you.

Megan shared: "I bought my kegg right after my 4 month old daughter passed away. I knew that my husband and I wanted another baby right away and I had read that kegg could help pinpoint my fertile window so I took the plunge and made the purchase.

"Along with my new kegg I also received Proov Confirm test strips as well. I was able to conceive with my first kegg cycle in May. Sadly that pregnancy ended in miscarriage. We went back to TTC as soon as I was able.

"The next couple of months I found out through using my kegg and the Proov Confirm strips that I wasn’t ovulating even though I had positive OPKs (ovulation predictor kits). This happened for several cycles until November when I did actually ovulate and was able to pinpoint my fertile window using kegg. This made timing sex simple.

"At first I was concerned about the quality of my ovulation as my Proov strips were not positive. To my surprise, at 8 DPO I took an HcG test and it was positive! Since I did have negative Proov tests, I was very concerned that my PdG (progesterone marker) production wasn’t adequate. If it wasn't for that I would not have pushed for progesterone suppositories from my doctor.

"I firmly believe that my loss in June was due to low progesterone levels. If it wasn't for my kegg I would not have had the information I needed to time intercourse and if it wasn't for the Proov strips telling me my PdG was low I probably would not still be pregnant.

"I am so beyond excited about this baby and to be able to share my experience with kegg and Proov to hopefully give other women the hope they need to not give up on their TTC journey. The kegg itself is an awesome tool but it would not be nearly as good without the awesome team of women behind it who are always there to answer any questions and help in any way they can. I will be forever thankful and grateful for my kegg, Proov and the amazing support teams behind them both."

Megan, thank you for sharing your beautiful story with us. We are wishing you a healthy and joyous pregnancy.

Proov has partnered with kegg to offer you the best deal on their fertility tracker. Use code "PROOV" after you add a Proov Confirm kit to your kegg order to receive it for free!