Getting Fertility Treatment At-Home with Fertility Cloud and Proov

Getting Fertility Treatment At-Home with Fertility Cloud and Proov

Written by: Dr. Amy Beckley, PhD, Founder and Inventor of the Proov test – the first and only FDA-cleared test to confirm successful ovulation at home.

Written on 9/2/20

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought new challenges into everyone’s lives. If you and your partner have been trying to conceive, you may have experienced delays or cancellations of appointments and treatments. We know how frustrating this has been for so many people.

Unfortunately, pandemic life is becoming the new normal and we’re all having to find ways to adapt. Luckily, telehealth has become more popular and convenient, which is why we’re so excited to share more about Fertility Cloud!

What is Fertility Cloud?

Fertility Cloud is a virtual telehealth platform that allows you to connect directly with U.S. licensed, board-certified fertility specialists. With Fertility Cloud, you can meet with doctors, take diagnostic tests, and receive treatment all from the comfort of your home. 

With Fertility Cloud, you get a complete treatment package all in one place. The platform includes virtual consultations and regular follow-ups with doctors, at-home fertility test kits, fertility medications and supplements delivered directly to your door, and all the tools you need for monitoring your treatment cycle. 

Even better, Fertility Cloud provides the cost of your treatment up front so there are no financial surprises. Before starting treatment, you’ll receive affordable and transparent pricing. After treatment, you’ll receive a clear, fully itemized invoice so you know exactly what you’re paying for. 

How does Fertility Cloud work?

You’ll start by scheduling a consultation with a board-certified fertility specialist. During this consultation, your doctor will review your medical history and any other relevant records. He or she will want to learn as much as possible to make an informed recommendation, so be prepared to share any relevant information. 

From there, your doctor will make a recommendation either for a treatment plan or further evaluations. If your doctor wants additional evaluations such as fertility or blood testing, there’s no need to head to a lab in person — a sample collection kit will be sent to your home! Your doctor will receive your test results within 7-10 days after you return the kit.

After additional tests, the Fertility Cloud team will schedule a follow up appointment to discuss results and treatment options. If you choose to move forward with a treatment option, medications (such as prenatals, supplements, or prescription medications) will be directly delivered to your home. You may even receive cycle monitoring tools such as Proov!



Once you start treatment, you’ll have monthly follow-up appointments with your doctor to track your progress over time. A treatment plan typically lasts until you become pregnant or up to 6 months. If you become pregnant, Fertility Cloud will refer you to a local healthcare professional for pregnancy care and if more intensive fertility care is necessary, Fertility Cloud will refer you to a local fertility clinic. 

Sounds great! How do I get started?

You can start your journey with Fertility Cloud by booking an initial consultation with a fertility doctor here or by calling (707) 361-6339. After this initial consultation and any additional evaluations, you’ll have the opportunity to choose your treatment plan.  

Access to trustworthy and affordable treatment has never been easier! With Fertility Cloud and Proov, you can take charge of your fertility from the comfort of your home. 

Great news! Fertility Cloud is available to couples in all 50 states. Unfortunately, Fertility Cloud is not yet available outside of the United States.