Fertility Clinics are Closed – Now What?

Fertility Clinics are Closed – Now What?

Fertility Clinics are Closed – Now What?

As of Tuesday, March 17, the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) indefinitely suspended all new fertility treatment cycles and elective surgeries. While we recognize that this action was taken to preserve the health and safety of Americans and very much agree with ASRM’s position, we also understand that this may be so incredibly disappointing to couples who had found hope in starting treatments soon. Even in the context of an unprecedented global pandemic where we can rationally understand why this needs to be done, it doesn’t take away from the emotional toll that this adds to an already extremely stressful situation.  

We also understand that this time may cause couples to reassess the timing of family building.  That’s OK too. These are uncharted territories for essentially everyone. If you have decided to stay on the path to try to conceive as soon as possible, there is a lot you can still do from home.  Even if you’ve decided to put plans on hold, using this time to learn as much about your body as possible may help speed up desired outcomes once you are ready. Here’s a rundown of things to know about and things you can do now when trying to conceive in this new world.

What to know about the safety of TTC now

COVID-19 is a very new virus and the fact is that there are still a lot of unknowns. One bright spot, however, as it relates to pregnant women is that recent NIH research on 38 pregnant women in China who contracted COVID-19 did not show that the virus posed any conclusive danger to either the woman or baby. That said, women who are pregnant or trying to conceive, should take standard recommended precautions of social distancing: staying at home whenever possible and staying at least 6 feet away from others when out in public. And if you have an active virus – whether it’s the flu or COVID-19 – it’s likely best to wait another cycle to try.  

Taking the time to understand yourself  a little better! 

Fertility clinics are closed, but you can still take this time to learn about possible causes of infertility at home! Problems with ovulation and male factor – aka problems with sperm –account for about 70% of all infertility cases. While you wait for the clinic to open, try a few home-based test kits to help you answer what might be preventing you from conceiving. That way, when clinics do open back up, you are that much more prepared to hit the ground running.

Proov is the first and only FDA cleared at home test to confirm ovulation. Proov measures PdG – a metabolite of Progesterone – 7 through 10 days after ovulation to help you understand if you have healthy ovulation and PdG levels. If yes, then great!  One box checked. If not, then there are sometimes things you can do at home to improve levels. And if you do need a doctor’s care, knowing more about where you stand with ovulation and PdG levels may lead to a better telemedicine conversation. 

YO Sperm test is the only FDA cleared at home test to see your sperm and watch them swim. The two most important factors in healthy sperm is count and motility. The YO sperm system allows you to watch the sperm swim and gives you a motile count to let you know if you are at risk for male factor.

Home insemination: Now might be the time! 

For many, inseminating in the comfort of their own home and on their own terms is a stress reliever.  Mosie Baby is a safe, simple, affordable option that can provide some of the same benefits of IUI. Mosie’s syringe is specifically designed for insemination and is backed by MDs and plenty of success stories to boot.  

Seek out virtual doctor care

If you have done fertility treatments before or if you have identified a possible cause of infertility with Proov or Yo, there are a lot of things doctors can do and prescribe virtually. The more you learn about your body and can communicate at home test results to them, the better your doctor can use them to treat you. Many of the fertility clinics now offer phone and video consults, so call them. Another service we love is Push Health. Their doctors can prescribe things like progesterone supplements, clomid, and prenatal vitamins. Plus, they offer great advice at a very cost-effective price.